Thursday, January 19, 2012

"The wife"... Known to me only as friends...

Hello again readers I write this blog for my girls & dedicate it to 3 Jillian Schlact, Taylor Brigham & Megan Goza.

As you all ready know I love baseball I mean LOVE baseball, but what I have never shared is that I also LOVE the strong women who make the sacrifice of not seeing their men for many days in a row so he can play my favorite game, BASEBALL!

These 3 woman are special to me because their men have not just become my friends, but these 3 amazing women have also become my friends, & I feel closer to them. (Us girls have to stick together ;-) )

SO with that all being said I would like to share my thoughts on why these women are so amazing to me.

Tonight I was telling Taylor how I would love to marry a ballplayer, again I LOVE baseball. I told her that seeing that I can not marry the game I really should marry the next best thing. Taylor was so sweet & said something that I do not think I ever really noticed. She & the other ladies I mentioned are known as "The wife" Or "The girlfriend", and I decided I would write my thoughts on why they are so much more then that silly title.

These 3 AMAZING women not only have 3 AWESOME ballplayers as men, but these ladies really make HUGE sacrifices! Here are some of the many things these girls do for their men.

These ladies pack for their men, cook for their men (healthy food so they can stay fit) they work out with them, do their laundry & so much more. These ladies give up 7 months out of a year so their boys can do what they love the most. The entire time giving their man support and words of encouragement, not once asking for support or encouragement for themselves. These ladies get a title because their mans job is playing baseball, and fans do not realize that the title they give these ladies is just plain wrong. They are not just a wife or girlfriend! These ladies have a very rough job, not just of being the ballplayers girl, but sometimes they too have to work, not 1 job but many on top of the packing, laundry, cooking & helping their man stay fit.

I personally love these women simply for the fact that "Behind every great ballplayer is a woman who has to sacrifice a bunch so that ballplayer can be great!" SO next time you watch a baseball game don't just look behind home plate and see a bunch of "the wives" smile and think to yourself "There are those awesome women. Those girls that sacrifice so much so I can enjoy watching my favorite sport." Oh and remember to thank them, because their job is so much more then being "the wife!" :-)

Until next time...Peace, Love & Baseball!!